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The visual arts program grounds students in foundational arts skills and knowledge that will lead them to create unique work using a variety of mediums and styles.

In the 6th grade, students get the opportunity to work in many art mediums in order to discover the wide range of visual art. They are thus immersed in drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, and sculpture. During this exploration, they make connections between the arts and humanities and other disciplines.  Many of their projects link themes from art in various cultures and time periods throughout history. Through these experiences, students begin to appreciate the art-making process.

In the 7th grade studio art class, visual arts majors study the principles of art and design in order to apply them in two- and three-dimensional media. They explore how artists develop ideas and use various tools as a means for communication and self-expression. Students develop the skills necessary for analyzing and critiquing a work of art.

In this grade, there is emphasis on observational drawing using graphite, pastels, and charcoal. Students study art by modern and contemporary artists that help inspire their art making as they delve into long-term projects. These projects include acrylic painting, printmaking, collage and sculpture.

Eighth grade visual arts majors further their art skills and knowledge as they expand their technical, expressive, and problem-solving skills. Learning how to be critical thinkers and developing new ways of seeing is an integral part of this grade’s studies. In addition to observational drawing, long-term projects include wire and plaster sculpture, acrylic and watercolor painting, found object construction, and bookmaking and printmaking. Finally, students gain an understanding of the social, cultural, and physical aspects of art through group discussions while viewing art in the classroom and museum trips. 

All students across grades showcase their work during the annual end-of-year school art show. 



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