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New Voices’ music program grounds students in the foundational elements of music, moving 7th and 8th grade music majors into learning how to play and perform instruments. Many students enter the music program with no musical experience. Students gain access to musical instruments and accompanying lessons.

The program strives to encourage students to: 


  • Demonstrate a keen understanding of the foundations of music, from reading and writing music to conducting rhythmic patterns

  • Develop the ability to play and perform a wind or brass instrument

  • Perform instruments as part of an ensemble

  • Develop an strong appreciation for music, not only as an arts discipline, but for the range of socio-academic skills it reinforces, and the possibilities it presents for continued education and future career opportunities

Sixth graders are introduced to music to grow their musical knowledge, potential, and confidence. They learn pitch recognition; identify and become proficient at reading notes in bass and treble clefs; use hand movement and voice to conduct rhythmic patterns; experience “performance” via keyboard workshops; and expand their music appreciation for music across genres. 

In 7th grade, about 30 music majors delve more deeply into the foundational elements of music. This is also the big year for learning how to play an instrument-most never having played before. Each student learns how to play a brass or wind instrument (and receives one to practice at home, and one to keep in school). Students learn correct embouchure, basic fingering, how to play in an ensemble, and perform.


In the 8th grade, students continue to expand their musical competency demonstrated in two annual performances.

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