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Rationale for Module Sequence in 7th Grade Science


Unit 1: Geology Essential Question: How do we as scientists gather and interpret evidence that Earth is continually changing?

Part I: Earth as a SystemPart II: Plate TectonicsPart III: Minerals and RocksPart IV: Fossils and Earth’s History


Unit 2: Interactions Between Matter and Energy Essential Question: How do the properties and interactions of matter and energy explain physical and chemical change?

Part I: Properties of MatterPart II: Properties of Sound and Light


Unit 3: Dynamic Equilibrium: The Human Animal Essential Question: How do human body systems function to maintain homeostasis?

Part I: Levels of OrganizationPart II: The Human Body


Unit 4: Dynamic Equilibrium: Other Organisms Essential Question: How is homeostasis maintained in other organisms?

Part I: Other Animals




Students participate in hands-on lab tasks, as well as in excercises that integrate literacy and mathematics. Students have five periods of science each week, including weekly labs. The school offers a Regents science for 8th graders.

330 18th Street 

Brooklyn, NY 11215 

Tel:   718-965-0390   Fax:  718-965-0603

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