Click on a document below for details about high school admissions programs and related schedules.
Q & A on Specialized High Schools
Click on the following titles for information about high schools and the admission process.
Top Ten Myths about Applying to High School
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High School Admissions: Time to Get Organized
Dear 8th Grade Families,
My name is Dina Miller and I am the guidance counselor at New Voices. I will be working with you and your family on the high school admissions process throughout the year.
As you begin to think about which high schools are right for your child, it is important to do your research. Using the New York City Public High Schools Directory, you can begin to research schools and programs of interest to you. You should have received a Directory as well as the Specialized High Schools Student Handbook last spring. If you have not received these two publications, please contact me at dmiller16@school.nyc.gov.
Here are some other useful resources you can use while investigating schools:
High School Admissions Website: www.nyc.gov/schools/ChoicesEnrollment/High
Travel Time and Travel Directions: www.mta.info
School Accountability Information: www.nyc.gov/schools/accountability
What to look for at high school fairs, tours, open houses, etc.
Set aside time this fall to attend Admissions events.
In addition, you should visit schools by attending open houses to get a firsthand look at the school. It is your responsibility to learn about Information Sessions, Open Houses, and school tours.
Some schools require that you register for these events. You will find school contact information in the Directory under “Contact Information.” You should stay connected throughout the process by subscribing to receive email updates with important High School Admissions deadlines and information here: http://schools.nyc.gov/Subscribe/default.htm.
I will continue to be in contact with you throughout the process, please keep a lookout for any other High School Admissions information I distribute via email and handouts that will be given to your child during school.
I look forward to working with you and your student as you navigate the High School Admissions process.
Dina Miller
The directory provides overviews of high schools across the city, along with information about admissions. Click DOE High School Resource Page.
Click here for recent changes in detail for specific schools.
High-School Selection and Ranking Tips
Click here for some useful tips about selecting and then ranking high schools.
7th Grade High School Prep
Some pre-high school search advice from Maurice Frumkin to 7th grade families:
Look through the NYC DOE high school directory just to get a feel for what the criteria are, etc.
Start talking to your child about what his or her "dream school" looks like.
Talk through options with your child.
Attend open houses now (not all schools allow 7th grade families, but some do).Start generating a portfolio now, especially with writing samples.
Don't wait until the fall of 8th grade to do all of the research.
Monitor tardiness and absences as 7th grade attendance records are what high schools review, along with grades and test scores.