Website Committee
The website shares information across the school community. But it needs regular oversight to stay current! We need at two people who will be responsible for maintaining the site.
Grant Writing Committee
There are lots of grant opportunities for schools. And New Voices has won a few. Help us to win more! Good writing and research skills are helpful...but even better, diligence!
Fundraising Committee
This committee oversees the PA's standard fundraising events (from bake to book sales) and also launches creative new ways to get the money we need to build up the school
Concession Committee
At every performance, audition, and other school events, the PA sells food, beverages, snacks, and PA gear to raise funds for New Voices. We need volunteers to keep the concession closet full!
Meeting Minutes
Click on a month to review approved minutes.
December 2015
January 2016
February 2016
March 2016
April 2015
May 2016
June 2016
September 2015
January 2016
February 2016
March 2016
April 2015
May 2016
June 2016
Consider leading or starting a PA committee!
The Parent Association's (PA) mission is to encourage parent/guardian involvement, raise money, and give voice to parent opinion in the school community. The PA organizes events, builds volunteerism in the school community, and works closely with the administration, teachers, and parents to support the school's goals and priorities. And to ensure that our children receive the best, most well-rounded educational experience that effectively prepares them for high school and beyond.
As parents and guardians of children attending New Voices, you are automatically PA members. There are myriad ways to become involved. Every ounce of volunteerism improves the school tenfold! Consider joining the PA Board.
2015-2016 PA Executive Board
Kristin Brady, President
Sari Melendez and Olga Sasha Gomez, Co-Vice Presidents
Ami Hassler and Anu Heda, Co-Treasurers
Kris Percival, Secretary
Co-Directors at Large: Jennifer Kokinis, Christine Pisano, Erica Gutierrez,
Cindy Mulqueen