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NIA Community Network Services (NIA) provides New Voices students with a FREE quality after-school program. Thanks to a grant from the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development and the expanded middle school initiative SONYC (School’s Out New York City), the program offers:
More time for new experiences and exciting, hands-on learning
Arts education
Health, sports or fitness
More time for academic support
Homework help
An afternoon snack or meal every day
A safe place to be through the afternoon
NIA students, in partnership with humanities teacher Ms. Pignataro, have been sending care packages and writing to armed service personnel serving overseas. Here are some of the wonderful responses:
After-School Goings On
Former NV student Melissa Mahmood, now a senior at Edward R. Murrow High School (and waiting to hear back from colleges!) is now a an after-school group leader. Welcome back Melissa!