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Unit 1: Forces and Motion on EarthEssential Question: How do we apply the laws of motion to explain the movement of objects on Earth?

Introduction: SI – The International System of UnitsPart I:  Motion and ForcesPart II: Newton’s Laws


Unit 2: Earth, Sun, Moon SystemEssential Question: What roles do forces play in the patterns and stability of the Solar System?

Part I: Our Place in the UniversePart II: The Solar SystemPart III: Seasons and Cycles: Relationships Among the Sun, Earth and Moon


Unit 3: Reproduction, Heredity and EvolutionEssential Question: How does life on Earth continue and adapt in response to environmental change?

Part I: Introduction to ReproductionPart II: Sexual Reproduction and DevelopmentPart III: HeredityPart IV: Human Reproduction, Growth and DevelopmentPart V: Evolution


Unit 4: Humans in Their Environment:  Needs and TradeoffsEssential Question: How does human consumption of resources impact the environment and our health?

Part I: Natural Resources and EnergyPart II: Nutrition and Food Choices: Environmental and Health Effects

Students participate in hands-on lab tasks, as well as in excercises that integrate literacy and mathematics. Students have five periods of science each week, including weekly labs. The school offers a Regents science for 8th graders.

Rationale for Module Sequence in 8th Grade Science



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