Rationale for Module Sequence in Grade 7
In Module 1, students build on their Grade 6 experiences with ratios, unit rates, and fraction division to analyze proportional relationships. They decide whether two quantities are in a proportional relationship, identify constants of proportionality, and represent the relationship by equations. These skills are then applied to real-world problems including scale drawings.
Students continue to build an understanding of the number line in Module 2 from their work in Grade 6. They learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers.
Module 2 includes rational numbers as they appear in expressions and equation; work is continued in Module 3.
Module 3 consolidates and expands students’ previous work with generating equivalent expressions and solving equations. Students solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations. Their work with expressions and equations is applied to finding unknown angles and problems involving area, volume, and surface area.
Module 4 parallels Module 1’s coverage of ratio and proportion, but this time with a concentration on percent. Problems in this module include simple interest, tax, markups and markdowns, gratuities and commissions, fees, percent increase and decrease, and percent error. Additionally, this module includes percent problems about populations, which prepare students for probability models about populations covered in the next module.
In Module 5, students learn to draw inferences about populations based on random samples. Through the study of chance processes, students learn to develop, use and evaluate probability models.
The year concludes with students drawing and constructing geometrical figures in Module 6. They also revisit unknown angle, area, volume, and surface area problems, which now include problems involving percentages of areas or volumes.